Our Theory

Ensuring that the populations in the locations we work are food secure will require collaborative action by different actors across public and private sectors, jointly across sectors with people at the center. We have developed a generic resilience model that provides a framework to understand the interconnectedness of key sectorial variables and how they collectively contribute towards either increased vulnerability or improved resilience. We take this model as a point of departure in the specific contextual challenges of our clients in achieving food security and resilience.

The Model

Vision Quest enables our clients to assess the appropriateness of interventions, evaluate

the impact of past interventions, assess the food security and resilience policy context

and develop new tools to improve design and learning of the food security and resilience

environment. This is summarized below:

  • Studies on Food Security & resilience: We conduct field studies to understand drivers of
  • food security, situation assessments ahead of program design, and generation of evidence to
  • improve collaborative design of food security and resilience programming.


  • Policy Review and Influencing: Our studies are designed to generate evidence to review
  • and engage in policy discussions to create an enabling environment that supports food secure
  • and resilient communities.


  • Monitoring & Evaluation: we provide monitoring and evaluation services to our clients to
  • assess the relevance, effectiveness efficiency, sustainability and impact of food security and
  • resilience programs. We conduct baselines, mid-term and end term evaluations.


  • Modeling: We also provide support to our clients to generate dynamic models that improve
  • understanding of the food security and resilience context. These models are useful for
  • program design and redesign, learning and policy influence.

Samples of areas of work in food security, livelihoods and resilience

  • Social protection
  • Resilience improving
  • Cash programming and rural development in challenging and fragile working environments.
  • Food Security Assessments and Surveillance
  • Food Aid and Alternatives to Food Aid
  • Cash based interventions
  • Income Generating Activities
  • Agricultural Rehabilitation
  • Food security and livelihood tools
ClientIdentification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Identification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Danish Refuge
º Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case
º Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected
Populations in Somalia
º Food Security Assessment and development of Food Security
Strategy for Somalia
º Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment. Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
º Country program Gender Audit to reflect existing DRC practice
alongside the existing DRC’s gender policies and practices
º ILDACS - End of project evaluation in Somaliland and Benadir
(Mogadishu) Regions of Somalia.
º Refugees Marketable Skills Assessment in Somalia
º Cash for Food Security Support (CAFSS) Assessment Somalia
Save the Children
Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and
Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015
Millennium Water
Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development
(Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit
and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.
ADESOBaseline survey of CAPS – Cash assistance project for
Somali/Somaliland in Sanaag and Mudug regions of Somalia
ACFEvaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH
interventions for conflict and drought –affected populations in
South-Central Somalia
Samaritan’s purseEvaluation of Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assistance in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBEG), South Sudan
KindernothilfeBaseline Study and Development of M&E System to Enhance Resilience
to Climate Change
Save the ChildrenIndependent Monitoring of Sustaining Life Saving and Humanitarian
Relief to Communities Affected by Drought in Somalia
Independent Monitoring of Somalia drought 2017 – Cash Transfer and
Medium Term
CAREDevelopment of five (5) year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of
Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MoEWT)
Evaluation of Somalia IDP Support programme
Environmental Impact Assessment for Somali girls education promotion
programme (SomReP) in Somaliland, Somalia and South Central.
Analysis of the National Education and Teacher Education Policies
World Vision
Evaluation of Response to Upper Nile Emergency, South Sudan
Operations Research to assess reasons for gender disparity during
access to TB services in Somalia
Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation project in
Feasibility study on small scale irrigation in Somalia
Danish Refugee CouncilIntegrated Emergency Danish Refugee Council Response Assessment