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Project Description

Evaluation of Emergency Response to Pregnancy and Child Birth Complications in IDP Settlements Project in Somalia
Management Training for Reproductive Health Mangers on Results Based Management (RBM) and M and E,

Makay Mohamed Aden is 9 months pregnant. She arrived in Sigale three months ago from Afgoye. Makay was given an antenatal checkup at a Save the Children health clinic in Sigale IDP camp.
SomaliaâÃÂÃÂs economic and educational indicators are the lowest in the world. On maternal and child mortality it ranks second and fourth from last. And although Somalia does slightly better on political status, it’s not enough to compensate for poor performance across the other four indicators. It is this placement in the bottom 5 on four of the five indicators that causes Somalia to rank last on the Index. As discussed elsewhere in this report, SomaliaâÃÂÃÂs national level data mask sub-national variations.

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