sectors template

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We have three thematic areas; Social, Economic and Environment as well as cross-cutting themes.

In the three thematic areas, Vision Quest has 19 established departments, including:

  • WASH
  • Education
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Health
  • Food Security/Livelihood
  • Nutrition, Communication
  • Gender
  • Environment/Natural Resources
  • Leadership/ Governance
  • Conflict/Peace/Security
  • Disaster Management
  • agricucture/ Livetock /Fisheries
  • Legal and Policy Affairs
  • Human Resources Management
  • Finance /Grants Management
  • Engineering,
  • Capacity Development
  • Health Care
  • Waste  Management.

At Vision Quest, we are making Education a Priority in the Post-2015 Development Agenda by focusing on specific thematic areas through; training and capacity development, research, advocacy, measurement and learning (M&E), development of strategies and implementation frame works, teaching and learning pedagogy, resource materials, curriculum development, restructuring and policy frameworks.

The VQ Education portfolio covers holistic and lifelong skills that molds an individual from childhood to adulthood, supports education institutions, educationists and opinion leaders in the education industry to make sound programmatic and policy decisions. This scope therefore seeks toimpart literacy, numeracy, social-emotional and livelihoods skills. VQ provides program and policy services tailored towards achieving positive student, teacher and policy outcomes in pre-school, school going and post -school/vocational education.

VQ offers expertise in formal and non-formal education to identify and design surveys, to formulate and review strategies and policies, to manage capacity trainings of teachers and education managers as well as to design tools to carry out needs assessment in order to advise to an integrated approach that will achieve the goals of each of its clients for equitable quality education in term of access, enrollment, completion and vocational trainings.

Our innovative approaches and methodologies address critical questions and improve the quality of educational programs in and outside of the classroom or learning environment. Our education portfolio is built upon a strong foundation of evidence-based solutions that can be applied to new and existing challenges within the ever evolving education landscape.

Our approach

Holistic approach

Promoting and enhancing multi-stakeholder initiatives to align education systems and supporting all education actors to improve education outcomes.

Customized consulting

Designing and providing strategy, business planning, and implementation support to clients.

Monitoring of education systems

Developing and implementing robust monitoring systems of and for education programs and outcomes through SMART indicators using either the logical framework approach, performance monitoring plans or theories of change approach.

Impact-focused evaluation

Designing evaluation systems and conducting evaluations to improve decision making and performance for both policy and routine educational programming.

Cutting edge research

Developing and disseminating fresh insights, knowledge briefs, and practical tools to improve education sector efficacy and effectiveness.

ClientDescription of assignments
UNICEFSomalia Nutrition training institutions capacity
CAREEnvironmental Impact Assessment for Somali girl’s education promotion programme.
Analysis of the National Education and Teacher education Policies.
MERCY CORPSFinal Evaluation of School Environment and
Education Development in Somalia Program.
University of
Evaluation of Partnership for Advanced Clinical
Education (PACE), Program –UoN, KU, JKUAT,
KNH, MTRH, Maseno.
African Economic
IDRC – AERC Support to Somalia capacity
building: Needs Assessment and Institutional
Mapping - Learning institutions offering courses
in economics.

We combine new and practical methodologies with our deep understanding of the education challenges faced by regions and countries to give our clients the insights they need to turn educational methodologies with our deep understanding of the education challenges faced by regions and countries to give our clients the insights they need to turn educational research into practice through designing sustainable and holistic educational programs

With our team of experienced educationists with over 30 years’ experience in teaching, training, research, evaluations, policy analysis, advocacy and development, strategic planning and curriculum development, VQ is a one-stop shop for matters education. We have a reputation for taking an inclusive (other stakeholders) and multi-sectorial (health,youth, livelihoods, safety) approach in developing and offering solutions to our clients

The VQ Education team partners with government ministries, government agencies, development partners, non-governmental organizations, foundations, corporations, school systems and other actors to bring about to bring about social impact and change. We have been involved in supporting institutions to align their strategic plans, educational priorities and mid to longer-term roadmaps or blueprints to both national and global education goals/indicators.

Our highly specialized support is strengthened by the superior technical expertise we have in-house and a database of senior consultants we can rely on to provide additional support should need arise. We also have close working relationship with respective government Ministries of Education, curriculum development and research institutions within East Africa.

VQ education services have a history of improving quality, driving outcomes and increasing accountability. We have been involved in education services working with community-based organizations to national initiatives either in building governance and technical capacity, providing technical assistance oversight to education programs and supporting policy work at national and regional levels.

WVI WASH Project Evaluation by Vision Quest.

Vision Quest has extensive experience in WASH financing: specifically

  • Promoting and enhancing multi-stakeholder initiatives to align education systems and supporting all education actors to improve education outcomes.
  • Assessing the scope and potential options for innovative financing strategies and mechanisms for the sector in the concerned countries.
  • Developing concrete recommendations and options to be considered for the development of innovative WASH financing mechanisms, with specific recommendations on the role of community sustainability mechanisms
  • Creating awareness and consensus among key stakeholders on financing and policy implications for meeting the sustainable development goals for the WASH sector.

Our highly qualified teams of experts are specialized in conceptualizing, developing, testing and promoting appropriate WASH strategies and models for capacity building of relevant stakeholders, strengthening of WASH systems and advocacy.

Why Vision Quest

Why Vision Quest

The Vision Quest WASH sector acknowledges and has embraced transition from the MDGs to the SDG era that calls for a balance between continuity and a purposed departure from carrying out WASH activities as usual. We have therefore shifted our focus towards newer approaches to WASH development policies, plans and programmes as well as means of implementation and on monitoring progress. The SDG on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) states; “by 2030, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, thus covering all WASH issues-economic, social and environmental sustainability, in a holistic manner.

Our consultants understanding the scope and context of key opportunities, barriers and proposed solutions in the WASH sector to provide sustainable water and sanitation services covering all aspects of WASH. An example of such is our grounding in providing holistic services that cover cost effective approaches that target rural, semi-urban and urban communities (especially the urban poor).This means that apart from supporting governments (both national and county/federal) to strengthen their capacity and systems to provide an enabling environment for WASH services, we also focus on the role of the community in both owning and sustaining WASH activities. We work with and clearly understand/are aware of the different roles of male, female and youth in WASH as well as the communal and health implications of their involvement at local and national levels. We have also been involved in supporting WASH in schools either through technical support to county Ministries of Education and Health.

Some of the activities we have been implementing over the years include:

  • Stakeholder analysis and advocacy for WASH financing
  • Policy development through policy briefs and session papers for advocacy Strategic Leadership: developing country and county level WASH strategy aligned
  • to corporate WASH frameworks;
  • Developing market-based solutions and Public Private Partnerships in the WASH sector
  • Advisory Services: leading complex evaluation assignments, setting benchmarks for results, and monitoring quality of advisory services of WASH sector technical working groups.
  • Conducting knowledge attitude and practices (KAP) surveys
  • Developing community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) exercises and evaluation
  • Conducting evaluations on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage uptake
  • Carrying out third party certification process on open defecation free communities
  • Conducting hygiene training for trainers (ToTs),
  • Hygiene campaigns including use of BCC visual aids
  • Developing training and campaign material
  • Designing and constructing of shallow wells, including installation and O&M for pumps Technical supervision of constructions (various water sources, latrines, hand washing facilities)
  • Participatory Disaster Preparedness Plans with communities.

Our Theory

We believe that, for sustainable WASH services, there must be a deliberate action towards ensuring that there is Sustainable Financing; proper WASH Infrastructure Management; Water Resource Management and WASH Governance. The four form the building blocks of a balanced demand and supply management of WASH services.

ClientRelevant Experience
Millennium water
Kenya Resilient Arid lands partnership for integrated
developmentBaseline survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir,
Marsabit and Isiolo counties of Kenya
Danish Refuge
Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) - Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case
Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected populations.
National Food Security Assessment and development of Food
Security Strategy
Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment. Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and
Infrastructure; Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven
Recovery and Development
World Vision
Evaluation of Response to Upper Nile Emergency, South Sudan.
Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation
Feasibility study on small scale irrigation.
Samaritan’s purseEvaluation of Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assistance in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBEG), South Sudan
Action Contre la FaimEvaluation of DFID funded Emergency Wash, Nutrition and
Health interventions for conflict and drought that had affected
populations in South-Central Somalia.
CAREFinal Evaluation of IDP Support Program (WASH, Food security
and protection activities in IDP camps and host communities).
This was an ECHO funded program


Our Theory

Ensuring that the populations in the locations we work are food secure will require collaborative action by different actors across public and private sectors, jointly across sectors with people at the center. We have developed a generic resilience model that provides a framework to understand the interconnectedness of key sectorial variables and how they collectively contribute towards either increased vulnerability or improved resilience. We take this model as a point of departure in the specific contextual challenges of our clients in achieving food security and resilience.

The Model

Our clients

Vision Quest enables our clients to assess the appropriateness of interventions, evaluate

the impact of past interventions, assess the food security and resilience policy context

and develop new tools to improve design and learning of the food security and resilience

environment. This is summarized below:

  • Studies on Food Security & resilience: We conduct field studies to understand drivers of
  • food security, situation assessments ahead of program design, and generation of evidence to
  • improve collaborative design of food security and resilience programming.


  • Policy Review and Influencing: Our studies are designed to generate evidence to review
  • and engage in policy discussions to create an enabling environment that supports food secure
  • and resilient communities.


  • Monitoring & Evaluation: we provide monitoring and evaluation services to our clients to
  • assess the relevance, effectiveness efficiency, sustainability and impact of food security and
  • resilience programs. We conduct baselines, mid-term and end term evaluations.


  • Modeling: We also provide support to our clients to generate dynamic models that improve
  • understanding of the food security and resilience context. These models are useful for
  • program design and redesign, learning and policy influence.

Samples of areas of work in food security, livelihoods and resilience

  • Social protection
  • Resilience improving
  • Cash programming and rural development in challenging and fragile working environments.
  • Food Security Assessments and Surveillance
  • Food Aid and Alternatives to Food Aid
  • Cash based interventions
  • Income Generating Activities
  • Agricultural Rehabilitation
  • Food security and livelihood tools
ClientIdentification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Identification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Danish Refuge
º Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case
º Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected
Populations in Somalia
º Food Security Assessment and development of Food Security
Strategy for Somalia
º Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment. Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
º Country program Gender Audit to reflect existing DRC practice
alongside the existing DRC’s gender policies and practices
º ILDACS - End of project evaluation in Somaliland and Benadir
(Mogadishu) Regions of Somalia.
º Refugees Marketable Skills Assessment in Somalia
º Cash for Food Security Support (CAFSS) Assessment Somalia
Save the Children
Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and
Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015
Millennium Water
Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development
(Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit
and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.
ADESOBaseline survey of CAPS – Cash assistance project for
Somali/Somaliland in Sanaag and Mudug regions of Somalia
ACFEvaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH
interventions for conflict and drought –affected populations in
South-Central Somalia
Samaritan’s purseEvaluation of Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assistance in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBEG), South Sudan
KindernothilfeBaseline Study and Development of M&E System to Enhance Resilience
to Climate Change
Save the ChildrenIndependent Monitoring of Sustaining Life Saving and Humanitarian
Relief to Communities Affected by Drought in Somalia
Independent Monitoring of Somalia drought 2017 – Cash Transfer and
Medium Term
CAREDevelopment of five (5) year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of
Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MoEWT)
Evaluation of Somalia IDP Support programme
Environmental Impact Assessment for Somali girls education promotion
programme (SomReP) in Somaliland, Somalia and South Central.
Analysis of the National Education and Teacher Education Policies
World Vision
Evaluation of Response to Upper Nile Emergency, South Sudan
Operations Research to assess reasons for gender disparity during
access to TB services in Somalia
Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation project in
Feasibility study on small scale irrigation in Somalia
Danish Refugee CouncilIntegrated Emergency Danish Refugee Council Response Assessment







Alt Text

We have three thematic areas; Social, Economic and Environment as well as cross-cutting themes.

In the three thematic areas, Vision Quest has 19 established departments, including:

  • WASH
  • Education
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Health
  • Food Security/Livelihood
  • Nutrition, Communication
  • Gender
  • Environment/Natural Resources
  • Leadership/ Governance
  • Conflict/Peace/Security
  • Disaster Management
  • agricucture/ Livetock /Fisheries
  • Legal and Policy Affairs
  • Human Resources Management
  • Finance /Grants Management
  • Engineering,
  • Capacity Development
  • Health Care
  • Waste  Management.

At Vision Quest, we are making Education a Priority in the Post-2015 Development Agenda by focusing on specific thematic areas through; training and capacity development, research, advocacy, measurement and learning (M&E), development of strategies and implementation frame works, teaching and learning pedagogy, resource materials, curriculum development, restructuring and policy frameworks.

The VQ Education portfolio covers holistic and lifelong skills that molds an individual from childhood to adulthood, supports education institutions, educationists and opinion leaders in the education industry to make sound programmatic and policy decisions. This scope therefore seeks toimpart literacy, numeracy, social-emotional and livelihoods skills. VQ provides program and policy services tailored towards achieving positive student, teacher and policy outcomes in pre-school, school going and post -school/vocational education.

VQ offers expertise in formal and non-formal education to identify and design surveys, to formulate and review strategies and policies, to manage capacity trainings of teachers and education managers as well as to design tools to carry out needs assessment in order to advise to an integrated approach that will achieve the goals of each of its clients for equitable quality education in term of access, enrollment, completion and vocational trainings.

Our innovative approaches and methodologies address critical questions and improve the quality of educational programs in and outside of the classroom or learning environment. Our education portfolio is built upon a strong foundation of evidence-based solutions that can be applied to new and existing challenges within the ever evolving education landscape.

Our approach

Holistic approach

Promoting and enhancing multi-stakeholder initiatives to align education systems and supporting all education actors to improve education outcomes.

Customized consulting

Designing and providing strategy, business planning, and implementation support to clients.

Monitoring of education systems

Developing and implementing robust monitoring systems of and for education programs and outcomes through SMART indicators using either the logical framework approach, performance monitoring plans or theories of change approach.

Impact-focused evaluation

Designing evaluation systems and conducting evaluations to improve decision making and performance for both policy and routine educational programming.

Cutting edge research

Developing and disseminating fresh insights, knowledge briefs, and practical tools to improve education sector efficacy and effectiveness.

ClientDescription of assignments
UNICEFSomalia Nutrition training institutions capacity
CAREEnvironmental Impact Assessment for Somali girl’s education promotion programme.
Analysis of the National Education and Teacher education Policies.
MERCY CORPSFinal Evaluation of School Environment and
Education Development in Somalia Program.
University of
Evaluation of Partnership for Advanced Clinical
Education (PACE), Program –UoN, KU, JKUAT,
KNH, MTRH, Maseno.
African Economic
IDRC – AERC Support to Somalia capacity
building: Needs Assessment and Institutional
Mapping - Learning institutions offering courses
in economics.

We combine new and practical methodologies with our deep understanding of the education challenges faced by regions and countries to give our clients the insights they need to turn educational methodologies with our deep understanding of the education challenges faced by regions and countries to give our clients the insights they need to turn educational research into practice through designing sustainable and holistic educational programs

With our team of experienced educationists with over 30 years’ experience in teaching, training, research, evaluations, policy analysis, advocacy and development, strategic planning and curriculum development, VQ is a one-stop shop for matters education. We have a reputation for taking an inclusive (other stakeholders) and multi-sectorial (health,youth, livelihoods, safety) approach in developing and offering solutions to our clients

The VQ Education team partners with government ministries, government agencies, development partners, non-governmental organizations, foundations, corporations, school systems and other actors to bring about to bring about social impact and change. We have been involved in supporting institutions to align their strategic plans, educational priorities and mid to longer-term roadmaps or blueprints to both national and global education goals/indicators.

Our highly specialized support is strengthened by the superior technical expertise we have in-house and a database of senior consultants we can rely on to provide additional support should need arise. We also have close working relationship with respective government Ministries of Education, curriculum development and research institutions within East Africa.

VQ education services have a history of improving quality, driving outcomes and increasing accountability. We have been involved in education services working with community-based organizations to national initiatives either in building governance and technical capacity, providing technical assistance oversight to education programs and supporting policy work at national and regional levels.

WVI WASH Project Evaluation by Vision Quest.

Vision Quest has extensive experience in WASH financing: specifically

  • Promoting and enhancing multi-stakeholder initiatives to align education systems and supporting all education actors to improve education outcomes.
  • Assessing the scope and potential options for innovative financing strategies and mechanisms for the sector in the concerned countries.
  • Developing concrete recommendations and options to be considered for the development of innovative WASH financing mechanisms, with specific recommendations on the role of community sustainability mechanisms
  • Creating awareness and consensus among key stakeholders on financing and policy implications for meeting the sustainable development goals for the WASH sector.

Our highly qualified teams of experts are specialized in conceptualizing, developing, testing and promoting appropriate WASH strategies and models for capacity building of relevant stakeholders, strengthening of WASH systems and advocacy.

Why Vision Quest

Why Vision Quest

The Vision Quest WASH sector acknowledges and has embraced transition from the MDGs to the SDG era that calls for a balance between continuity and a purposed departure from carrying out WASH activities as usual. We have therefore shifted our focus towards newer approaches to WASH development policies, plans and programmes as well as means of implementation and on monitoring progress. The SDG on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) states; “by 2030, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, thus covering all WASH issues-economic, social and environmental sustainability, in a holistic manner.

Our consultants understanding the scope and context of key opportunities, barriers and proposed solutions in the WASH sector to provide sustainable water and sanitation services covering all aspects of WASH. An example of such is our grounding in providing holistic services that cover cost effective approaches that target rural, semi-urban and urban communities (especially the urban poor).This means that apart from supporting governments (both national and county/federal) to strengthen their capacity and systems to provide an enabling environment for WASH services, we also focus on the role of the community in both owning and sustaining WASH activities. We work with and clearly understand/are aware of the different roles of male, female and youth in WASH as well as the communal and health implications of their involvement at local and national levels. We have also been involved in supporting WASH in schools either through technical support to county Ministries of Education and Health.

Some of the activities we have been implementing over the years include:

  • Stakeholder analysis and advocacy for WASH financing
  • Policy development through policy briefs and session papers for advocacy Strategic Leadership: developing country and county level WASH strategy aligned
  • to corporate WASH frameworks;
  • Developing market-based solutions and Public Private Partnerships in the WASH sector
  • Advisory Services: leading complex evaluation assignments, setting benchmarks for results, and monitoring quality of advisory services of WASH sector technical working groups.
  • Conducting knowledge attitude and practices (KAP) surveys
  • Developing community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) exercises and evaluation
  • Conducting evaluations on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage uptake
  • Carrying out third party certification process on open defecation free communities
  • Conducting hygiene training for trainers (ToTs),
  • Hygiene campaigns including use of BCC visual aids
  • Developing training and campaign material
  • Designing and constructing of shallow wells, including installation and O&M for pumps Technical supervision of constructions (various water sources, latrines, hand washing facilities)
  • Participatory Disaster Preparedness Plans with communities.

Our Theory

We believe that, for sustainable WASH services, there must be a deliberate action towards ensuring that there is Sustainable Financing; proper WASH Infrastructure Management; Water Resource Management and WASH Governance. The four form the building blocks of a balanced demand and supply management of WASH services.

ClientRelevant Experience
Millennium water
Kenya Resilient Arid lands partnership for integrated
developmentBaseline survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir,
Marsabit and Isiolo counties of Kenya
Danish Refuge
Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) - Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case
Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected populations.
National Food Security Assessment and development of Food
Security Strategy
Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment. Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and
Infrastructure; Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven
Recovery and Development
World Vision
Evaluation of Response to Upper Nile Emergency, South Sudan.
Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation
Feasibility study on small scale irrigation.
Samaritan’s purseEvaluation of Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assistance in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBEG), South Sudan
Action Contre la FaimEvaluation of DFID funded Emergency Wash, Nutrition and
Health interventions for conflict and drought that had affected
populations in South-Central Somalia.
CAREFinal Evaluation of IDP Support Program (WASH, Food security
and protection activities in IDP camps and host communities).
This was an ECHO funded program


Our Theory

Ensuring that the populations in the locations we work are food secure will require collaborative action by different actors across public and private sectors, jointly across sectors with people at the center. We have developed a generic resilience model that provides a framework to understand the interconnectedness of key sectorial variables and how they collectively contribute towards either increased vulnerability or improved resilience. We take this model as a point of departure in the specific contextual challenges of our clients in achieving food security and resilience.

The Model

Our clients

Vision Quest enables our clients to assess the appropriateness of interventions, evaluate

the impact of past interventions, assess the food security and resilience policy context

and develop new tools to improve design and learning of the food security and resilience

environment. This is summarized below:

  • Studies on Food Security & resilience: We conduct field studies to understand drivers of
  • food security, situation assessments ahead of program design, and generation of evidence to
  • improve collaborative design of food security and resilience programming.


  • Policy Review and Influencing: Our studies are designed to generate evidence to review
  • and engage in policy discussions to create an enabling environment that supports food secure
  • and resilient communities.


  • Monitoring & Evaluation: we provide monitoring and evaluation services to our clients to
  • assess the relevance, effectiveness efficiency, sustainability and impact of food security and
  • resilience programs. We conduct baselines, mid-term and end term evaluations.


  • Modeling: We also provide support to our clients to generate dynamic models that improve
  • understanding of the food security and resilience context. These models are useful for
  • program design and redesign, learning and policy influence.

Samples of areas of work in food security, livelihoods and resilience

  • Social protection
  • Resilience improving
  • Cash programming and rural development in challenging and fragile working environments.
  • Food Security Assessments and Surveillance
  • Food Aid and Alternatives to Food Aid
  • Cash based interventions
  • Income Generating Activities
  • Agricultural Rehabilitation
  • Food security and livelihood tools
ClientIdentification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Identification and mitigate impacts of Compounding Factors of Chronic
Sequential Shocks in Lower Juba.
Modeling the impact of sequential shocks in Lower, Somalia
Danish Refuge
º Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case
º Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected
Populations in Somalia
º Food Security Assessment and development of Food Security
Strategy for Somalia
º Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment. Food
Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure;
Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and
º Country program Gender Audit to reflect existing DRC practice
alongside the existing DRC’s gender policies and practices
º ILDACS - End of project evaluation in Somaliland and Benadir
(Mogadishu) Regions of Somalia.
º Refugees Marketable Skills Assessment in Somalia
º Cash for Food Security Support (CAFSS) Assessment Somalia
Save the Children
Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and
Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015
Millennium Water
Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development
(Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit
and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.
ADESOBaseline survey of CAPS – Cash assistance project for
Somali/Somaliland in Sanaag and Mudug regions of Somalia
ACFEvaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH
interventions for conflict and drought –affected populations in
South-Central Somalia
Samaritan’s purseEvaluation of Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assistance in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBEG), South Sudan
KindernothilfeBaseline Study and Development of M&E System to Enhance Resilience
to Climate Change
Save the ChildrenIndependent Monitoring of Sustaining Life Saving and Humanitarian
Relief to Communities Affected by Drought in Somalia
Independent Monitoring of Somalia drought 2017 – Cash Transfer and
Medium Term
CAREDevelopment of five (5) year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of
Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MoEWT)
Evaluation of Somalia IDP Support programme
Environmental Impact Assessment for Somali girls education promotion
programme (SomReP) in Somaliland, Somalia and South Central.
Analysis of the National Education and Teacher Education Policies
World Vision
Evaluation of Response to Upper Nile Emergency, South Sudan
Operations Research to assess reasons for gender disparity during
access to TB services in Somalia
Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation project in
Feasibility study on small scale irrigation in Somalia
Danish Refugee CouncilIntegrated Emergency Danish Refugee Council Response Assessment

At Vision quest, we offer a holistic approach to environment and natural resource advisory services.

Thematic Areas.

  1. Environmental Consulting Services


  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental Audit
  • Environmental Permits & Legal Compliance
  • Environmental Monitoring& Analysis (Air, water, waste, workplace)
  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
  • Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
  • Resettlement Action Planning (RAP)
  • Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Hazardous Substances Survey
  • GIS & GPS Survey
  • Hydro-geological Survey
  • Hydrodynamic Study
  • Ecological assessments and restoration
  • Designing Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCPs)
  • Community based natural resources management plans including Women in Nature (WIN) strategi
  • Soil and Water Conservation systems analysis and design
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA).
  • Development of environmental best management practices (BMPs)



  1. Environmental energy solution services
  • Effluent Treatment Plant
  • Process Equipment
  • Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Water Recycling
  • Water Treatment Plants waste
  • Waste Heat Recovery
  • Waste Incinerators/Plasma Gasifiers/ Burial pits
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Solid Waste Management (Agricultural Residue, Food Waste, Canteen Waste, Kitchen Waste)
  • Soil Rehabilitation
  • Bio – Digesters and biogas


  1. Industrial hygiene services
  • Industrial Hygiene Survey
  • Workplace/Personal Environmental Monitoring
  • Noise Survey & Mapping
  • Vibration Survey
  • Ventilation Survey
  • Illumination Survey
  • Heat Stress Assessment
  • Chemicals Exposure Risk Assessment

Sector we serve

  • Irrigation Sector
  • Agriculture Sector
  • Petro Chemicals & Up/Downstream Projects
  • Oil & Gas
  • Fine & Specialty Chemicals
  • Power Plant (Except Nuclear)
  • Pharmaceuticals and Health sector
  • Leather & Textile Plants


The consultants are highly qualified with over 10 years of professional experience in natural resources management, conservation and rural development.

Recent Assignments

Client Project
CARE Environmental Impact Assessment for Somali girls education promotion programme (SomReP)
CARE Development of five (5) year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MoEWT)
SOMREP Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation project in Somalia.
The Constitution Implementation Commission {CIC} Natural Resources Management under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, community’s views on best strategies on sustainable use of natural resources – North Eastern Kenya.
World Vision Environmental impact assesment on small scale irrigation project in Somalia.
MERCY CORPS Environmental and Education development in Somalia Program.

The gender sector is very significant at Vision Quest as all the assignments undertaken have a gender perspective. Gender equality is essential for empowering both women and men and addressing social injustice, promoting economic growth and   eradicating poverty.

Thematic Areas

  • Policy formulation for sustainable community development,
  • Developing, testing and promoting appropriate support systems, strategies and models for advocacy and capacity building.


The Consultants are highly qualified in Gender, Health and Development with over 10 years experience.




Recent Assignment

Partner Project
UNDP Capacity Development on Gender Mainstreaming, PCM, Gender Advocacy  and Grant Management Skills  for Gender focal points from across ministries as well as civil society who have been appointed to sit  on the interministerial coordination body established by the gender machineries in all three regions of Somalia.
WORLD VISION Operations Research to assess reasons for gender disparity during access to TB services in Somalia.


INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION-ISF Baseline survey – Reducing and mitigating gender based violence in Somaliland.


At Vision Quest, we understand the political and economic trends that impact the industry which enables address challenges and opportunities in the agriculture sectors.

Thematic Areas.

  • Developing agricultural /livestock/ fisheries information systems
  • Advising on agricultural /livestock/ fisheries Strategic planning
  • Conducting species population mapping
  • Developing Farm Business Planning
  • Succession Planning
  • Conditioning Farm Business Assessments
  • Farm Management Consulting
  • Advising on Developing Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Conduction research and Development Projects
  • Conducting Soil Assessment and Fertility Recommendations
  • Consulting on Professional Valuation services on Agriculture


The Consultant is highly qualified in Economics and International Law and Diplomacy with over 10 years’ experience.


Recent Assignment

Partner Project
World Vision Environmental impact assessment on small scale irrigation project in Somalia

Feasibility study on small scale irrigation in Somalia


Millennium Water Alliance Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.

At Vision Quest, we support our clients to achieve their objectives in Nutrition through sound technical support either as part of integrated approaches or as an independent project.

Thematic Areas.

  • General maternal and child nutrition,
  • Community Management of Acute Malnutrition,
  • infant and young child nutrition (IYCN),
  • Micronutrients Interventions.
  • HIV and Nutrition (Food by Prescription, PMTCT)
  • Nutrition in Emergencies (NIE)
  • Nutrition Surveys/SMART methodology
  • IYCF/Knowledge Attitude and Practice assessments
  • Nutrition surveillance systems development
  • Nutrition baseline and end line surveys
  • Nutrition program planning
  • Nutrition Coverage surveys (SQUEAC ,SLEAK)
  • Nutrition Strategic planning
  • Nutrition policy development
  • Capacity development in different areas of Nutrition
  • Nutrition costed plan of Action



The Consultants are highly qualified in Public Health and Nutrition with over 7 years’ experience.


Recent Assignment


Partner Project


End of Program Assessment and Evaluation for the Emergency Nutrition Support Program in Garissa County, Kenya.


ACF Evaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH interventions for conflict and drought –affected populations in South-Central Somalia.
UNFPA Evaluation of Emergency Response to Pregnancy and Child Birth.


At Vision Quest, our disaster management is unsurpassed in providing full-service emergency management consulting, situational awareness, emergency/disaster planning and all hazard training curricula among others.


Thematic Areas.

  • Conducting Hazard Training
  • Hazards and disaster assessment
  • Development of contingency plan
  • Advising and developing early warning systems
  • Advising on policy formulation in disaster risk reduction


The consultants are highly qualified in disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and resilience, food security, integrated natural resource management and livelihood systems in sub-Saharan Africa with over 8 years of experience.

Recent Assignment

Partner Project
DRC Field-based Integrated Emergency Response Assessment in Somalia.
DRC Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected.
SAVE THE CHILDREN Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015).
ACF Evaluation of DFiD funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH interventions for conflict and drought -affected populations in South-Central Somalia.
MILLENIUM WATER ALLIANCE Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.

At Vision Quest, we carefully design and develop Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Information Systems and frameworks with a goal to improve our client’s current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impacts.

 Thematic Areas.

  • Providing technical support designing data analysis- data management
  • Supervise baseline surveys
  • Assisting in the mid-term and end-line program evaluation
  • Carry out snapshot evaluations,
  • Impact and rapid evaluation assessments,
  • Statistical analysis
  • Developing online and media monitoring systems
  • Designing and conducting socio-economic surveys
  • Conducting multi-disciplinary studies and developing strategic plans on sector or sub-sector.
  • Designing Methods for spatially-distributed information
  • Time-based patterns of change
  • Analyzing linkages and relationships
  • Ranking and prioritizing
  • Capacity building institutions’ staff on M & E
  • Facilitating communities/management committees on participatory impact monitoring (PIM) system


The consultants are highly qualified in programmes design, planning and development and management, coordination, reviews, learning and knowledge management with more than 10 years ‘experience.

Recent Assignments


Partner Project
MERCY CORPS (USAID) We facilitated the Final Evaluation of School Environment and Education Development in Somalia Program. This was an integrated program with education, WASH and Health components all geared for the improvement of access, enrolment, retention and completion of school particularly for the girl child.


UNFPA Evaluation of UNFPA Country Program – 2011- 2016

Evaluation of Emergency Response to Pregnancy and Child Birth


DRC Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure; Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case basis

Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected

MERCY CORPS Final Evaluation of School
MERCY USA End of Program Assessment and Evaluation for the Emergency Nutrition Support Program in Garissa County, Kenya
COMIC RELIEF Mid-term Evaluation of ACE Africa’s HIV/AIDS and OVCs Project funded by Comic Relief in Bungoma and Nyanza Districts.
ACF Evaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH interventions for conflict and drought – affected populations in South-Central Somalia
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION – ISF Baseline survey – Reducing and mitigating gender based violence in Somaliland
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE Evaluation of Partnership for Advanced Clinical Education (PACE), Program – CDC   Funded   –  UoN,  KU,   JKUAT,  KNH,  MTRH,   Maseno,  NASCOP,     Kenya Pediatrics Association, Nursing Council of Kenya
ADESO Baseline survey of CAPS-Cash assistance project for Somali/Somaliland in Saanag and Mudug regions of Somalia

At Vision Quest, we are dedicated to delivering best-in-class revenue enhancement, expense reduction, and clinical transformation solutions and have an unmatched track record of success.

Thematic Areas

  • Design and developing health strategic plans (Fundraising, health communication, community health etc)
  • Conducting Health System Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Development of health Information System
  • Referral Systems Establishment
  • Conducting health research
  • Reproductive Health
  • Designing and developing Health policy development and Analysis


Further, we have helped clients deliver better value for patients, fuel innovation and reduce the cost and complexity of operating systems through advisory services in a number of health sector projects in the following;

  • Conducting disease Surveillance
  • Conducting Hygiene education and behavior change education
  • Advisory in Integrated maternal and child health
  • Designing and developing Health System Management
  • Advisory on Reproductive Health
  • Health care in relief and emergency situation
  • Advise in HIV/AIDs prevention and control


The consultants are medical professionals highly qualified in handling public Health Management systems, policies, and procedures with over 10 years experience.



Recent Assignments

Partner Project
UNFPA Somalia Management Training for Reproductive Health Mangers on Results Based Management (RBM), M&E, Resource Mobilization and Partnership in Somaliland, Punt land and South Central Somalia.


Evaluation of Emergency Response to Pregnancy and Child Birth

THET Development of Health Care Waste Management Policy for Somalia
MERCY USA End of Program Assessment and Evaluation for the Emergency Nutrition Support Program in Garissa County, Kenya
COMIC RELIEF Mid-term Evaluation of ACE Africa’s HIV/AIDS and OVCs Project funded by Comic Relief in Bungoma and Nyanza Districts
ACF Evaluation of DFiD-funded Emergency Nutrition, Health and WASH interventions for conflict and drought –affected populations in South-Central Somalia
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE Evaluation of Partnership for Advanced Clinical Education(PACE), Program – CDC   Funded   –  UoN,  KU,   JKUAT,  KNH,  MTRH,   Maseno,  NASCOP,     Kenya Paediatrics Association, Nursing Council of Kenya
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION – ISF Assessment of ISF staff’s understanding of FGM

At Vision Quest, we specialize in conceptualizing, developing, testing and promoting appropriate hygiene promotion strategies and models for advocacy and capacity building of relevant stakeholders.

Thematic Areas.

  • Conducting Knowledge Approach and Practices (KAP) surveys
  • Developing Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) exercises and evaluation
  • Conducting evaluations on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage uptake
  • Carrying out third party certification process on open defecation free communities
  • Conducting hygiene training for trainers (ToTs),
  • Hygiene campaigns including use of BCC visual aids
  • Developing training and campaign material
  • Designing and constructing of shallow wells, including installation and O&M for pumps
  • Technical supervision of constructions (various water sources, latrines, hand washing facilities)
  • Participatory Disaster Preparedness Plans with communities.


The consultants are highly qualified   in environment science combined with over 10 years’ international experience in WASH sectors.

 Recent Assignments.

Partner Project
ACF Evaluation of DFID funded Emergency Wash, Nutrition and Health interventions for conflict and        drought that had affected populations in South-Central Somalia.


THET Development of Health Care Waste Management Policy for Somalia
WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL Life-saving emergency WASH response for IDP communities in Upper Nile Project
DRC Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure; Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case basis

At Vision Quest, we are helping healthcare organizations to adopt sustainable waste management strategies that optimize profitability without compromising quality of care.


Thematic Areas.

  • Advising on health care waste generation
  • Advising on Health care waste minimization
  • Conducting and advising on healthcare waste removal
  • Advising on healthcare waste transportation
  • Advise on and conduct health care Waste treatment
  • Advising on healthcare Recycling and reuse
  • Healthcare waste Storage, collection, transport, and transfer
  • Advising on healthcare Policy and regulation development
  • Conducting healthcare waste Education and training
  • Developing and designing healthcare waste management Plans and Implementation


The consultants are medical professionals, competent in handling public Health Management systems, policies, and procedures with over 10years experience.

Recent Assignments


Partner Project
THET SOMALIA Development of Health Care Waste Management Policy for Somalia



Vision Quest recognizes that an effective HR procedure is essential for organizations flourishment in overcoming today’s challenging and ever-changing business world.


Thematic Areas.  

  • Talent Development and Management
  • Developing Employment Compliance systems
  • Conducting Talent Acquisition & Planning
  • Advising on HR Technology Solutions
  • Conducting human resource assessment and capacity building
  • Provide HR Compliance Auditing solution among others


The consultants are HR Professionals with over 10 years track record of success in designing, developing, implementing and evaluating HR Projects and HR rollout Programs.

Recent Assignment

Partner Project
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION – ISF Assessment of ISF staff’s understanding of FGM
AERC Somalia Capacity Building: Needs Assessment and Institutional Mapping

At Vision Quest, communication is an integral part of each sector. We have the ability to develop effective communication strategies to suit your respective organization. Our strategy is mainly focused in ensuring stakeholder engagement.

Thematic Areas.

  • Development and review of communication strategy
  • Development of Advocacy Campaigns.
  • Media Relations
  • Crisis Communication
  • Social media Strategy
  • Marketing Communication


The consultants are Communication Professionals with over 10 years track record of success in development and implementation of communication strategies and media relations.


Recent Assignment


Partner Project
Save the Children Review of the Regional Information Sharing Protocol of South Sudanese UASCs in East Africa.


COOPI Development of full proposal for ECHO Humanitarian Action Plan (HIP)


At Vision Quest, we have an extensive expertise of designing and delivering tailor-made training and participatory learning programmes in conflict analysis, conflict sensitive approaches to development, conflict transformation and conflict management.

Thematic Areas.

  • Participatory approaches to conflict analysis
  • Strategic planning for work in conflict
  • Policy development
  • Leadership and organizational development in conflict contexts
  • Mediation and negotiation
  • Conflict sensitivity tools and methodologies
  • Monitoring and appraisal
  • Lesson learning
  • Training of trainers


The consultants are Conflict, peace and security Professionals with over 10 years track record of success in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism/conflicts, Governance, Democracy, and Humanitarian Assistance at various levels

 Recent Assignments

Partner Project
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION – ISF Baseline survey – Reducing and mitigating gender based violence in Somaliland


SAVE THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015)
HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Train enumerators, analyze and develop a post impact survey report

At Vision Quest, we recognize that good leadership and governance is an integral enabler of wiser strategic planning that make systems stronger and resource mobilization that sustains service delivery.

Thematic Areas.

  • Strategy implementation and development advisory
  • Conducting capacity building
  • Advising on appointing, appraising and removing of staffs/members.
  • Monitoring organization stewardship
  • Conducting of oversight of risk and quality policies and procedures
  • Ensuring the firm complies with all relevant regulatory and legal requirements within the operation jurisdiction.


The consultants are leadership and governance Professionals with over 10 years track record of success in strategy development and implementation, capacity building and conducting quality policies and procedures at various levels.

Recent Assignments

Partner                                       Project
UNWOMEN Institutional Capacity Assessment to Implement UN Women Programs in Somalia – CESVI, World Vision, COOPI, Caritas, SSW, SWDC, CED, OXFAM, ADESO, PSU,  VSF Germany, ADRA among others.
UNDP Capacity Development on Gender Mainstreaming, PCM, Gender Advocacy  and Grant Management Skills  for Gender focal points from across ministries as well as civil society who have been appointed to sit on the inter-ministerial coordination body established by the gender machineries in all three regions of Somalia.
CARE Development of five (5) year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MoEWT)


TAX JUSTICE NETWORK – AFRICA (TJN-A) Review of TJN-A’s 2013-2016 Strategic Plan
COOPI Development of full proposal for ECHO Humanitarian Action Plan (HIP)
AERC Somalia Capacity Building: Needs Assessment and Institutional Mapping

At Vision Quest, we develop customized approach into the dynamics o finance and grant management.

Thematic Areas.

  • Developing business strategy and advising.
  • Conducting Audits and developing auditing system
  • Financial management advisory
  • Advising on risk management
  • Consulting on tax compliance
  • Advising on fundraising approaches
  • Conducting Efficient Finance Operations
  • Training on financial and grant management
  • Developing Financial Information Management systems


The consultants are Finance and grant management Professionals with over 10 years track record of success in development of business strategies, conducting audits and development of audit system/financial information management systems, conducting trainings and advising on risk/financial management  at various levels.

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At Vision Quest, we are making Education a Priority in the Post-2015 Development Agenda by focusing on specific thematic areas through; training and capacity development, research, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation, development of strategies and implementation frame works, teaching and learning pedagogy, resource materials, curriculum development, restructuring and policy frameworks.

Thematic Areas.

  1. Addressing Inequalities

Increased access to education is key to reducing inequity in the quality of education delivered, particularly in the access to secondary education for marginalized and vulnerable groups. In addition, Non-formal education and learning that takes place outside the classroom is crucial, particularly peer education. This equips young people with knowledge of their rights.

The new development agenda should ensure sustained action and accountability for universal access to quality, comprehensive, integrated sexual and reproductive health education and services, counseling and information, with respect for human rights. It should emphasize equality, equity and respect for diversity.

  1. Conflict, Violence and Disaster

There is an urgent need to attend to the needs and rights of children, youth and adults through conflict-sensitive education. Education is vital for peace building and conflict resolution. Schools and the curricula, should promote understanding and knowledge of tolerance and conflict resolution

  1. Environmental Sustainability/Energy

In a global context of dwindling natural resources, education is vital in creating ‘green’ economies, and more sustainable and equitable societies, whether in rural or urban settings.

  1. Growth and Employment

Quality education is directly linked to income growth and employment. Education also needs to be linked to work-based programs through apprenticeships to help young people learn practical problem-solving techniques in workplaces.

  1. EFA regional/global for the post-2015 framework

Education is a necessity to facilitate promotion of healthy food choices and nutrition-related behaviors conducive to health. Hunger needs to be addressed in a comprehensive way. Although adequate nutrition is strongly linked to food security, nutritional status is determined by many factors, including women’s education and income, family planning, access to quality health-care services and education. Further, it is acknowledged that women’s empowerment through education enables them to control household resources, including food.

  1. Population Dynamics

Education transforms population dynamics, and demographic change is strongly influenced by human development, notably investment in the education and health of the population. Efforts to strengthen human development should extend throughout the entire life of a person, rather than focus only on the early stages

  1. Water

Education is crucial to understanding the importance of water and forest conservation and the negative effects of pollution. Principles of sustainable environmental development in the twenty-first century call for water education for all, which goes beyond the technical knowledge of water (e.g., types, sources, uses, treatment, management and its associated problems). It includes raising people’s awareness of water usage, their civic responsibilities towards water, and cultural beliefs and practices in relation to water.


The consultants are highly qualified in Educational Planning and Economics of Education with over 10 years experience.

Recent Assignment

Partner Project
CARE SOMALIA Environmental Impact Assessment for Somali girls education promotion programme (somgep) in Somaliland, Puntland and south central.





Final Evaluation of School

Environment and Education Development in Somalia Program. This was an integrated program with Education, WASH and Health components


The overarching goal of PACE was to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of pre-service and in service HIV-related training in Kenya for long-term impact on health outcomes as result of a more competent workforce.

The PACE Project had two main components; the pre-service component and in-service elements; however, internship was identified as a critical component that would interface between the two elements.

UNICEF Somalia’s Nutrition Training Needs: Scoping Assessment
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION – ISF Capacity development of IPs on Management, M&E, Leadership and Governance.
UNFPA Capacity development for the IPs on results based management, results based M & E, Resource management, HAP, Reporting, RH Commodity Management.
UNDP Capacity Development  on  Gender  Mainstreaming,  PCM,  Gender  Advocacy  and  Grant  Management  Skills  for Gender focal points from across ministries as well as civil society who have been appointed to sit on the inter-ministerial coordination body, established by the gender machineries in all three regions of Somalia. The aim is to give skills required of them in order to effectively implement GEWE programming.
THET Consultancy for Somali Frontline Health Workers Training Needs Assessment in Sahil/Somaliland, Qardo/Puntland and Gedo/Jubaland State of Somalia.
AERC Somalia Capacity Building: Needs Assessment and Institutional Mapping
HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Train enumerators, analyze and develop a post impact survey report.
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At Vision Quest, we understand the political and economic trends that impact The Food Security & Livelihood Sectors.

Thematic Areas.

  • Social protection
  • Resilience improving
  • Cash programming and rural development in challenging and fragile working environments.
  • Food Security Assessments and Surveillance
  • Food Aid and Alternatives to Food Aid
  • Cash based interventions
  • Income Generating Activities
  • Agricultural Rehabilitation
  • food security and livelihood tools
  • Livelihood Study




The Consultants are highly qualified in Food security and livelihood and other related with  over 10 years experience.


Recent Assignments


Partner Project
COMIC RELIEF Midterm Evaluation of ACE Africa’s HIV/AIDS and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) Project funded by Comic Relief in Bungoma and Nyanza Districts with a main  objective of measuring the impact of the program in terms of: Improved overall health and livelihoods of  OVC and people living with Aids (PLWA),  increased community capacity to provide and sustain nutritional support for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS, improved  community access to support services/ networks and reduction in stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS.


DRC Evaluation of Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – Food Security and Livelihoods; NFI/Shelter; WASH and Infrastructure; Protection and Advocacy; Community-Driven Recovery and Development; as well as Emergency Response on a case-by-case basis

Evaluation – Improved Livelihood for the Disaster Affected


Save the Children International Independent Monitoring of Humanitarian Assistance to Drought and Conflict Areas, Affected Populations in Hiran, Somalia (ECHO HIP 2015)
Millennium Water Alliance Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (Kenya RAPID. Baseline Survey in Turkana, Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit and Isiolo Counties of Kenya.
ADESO Baseline survey of CAPS – Cash assistance project for Somali/Somaliland in Saanag and Mudug regions of Somalia
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